Teaching experiences and architectural directions in South Korea


  • Renzo Lecardane University of Palermo
  • Paola La Scala University of Palermo




internationalization, innovation, teaching, infrastructure, South Korea


Over the last few years the concept of knowledge-based has acquired increasing acceptance, thus providing a new context in which knowledge may become a fundamental resource for innovation. To this end, the internationalization of academic activity is a fundamental tool for awareness in interaction in didactic and research methodology. This article presents a few thoughts regarding he teaching and research of the LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UNIPA group), on the theme of the transformation of the city of Busan, in South Korea, through the re-composition of disseminated parts of the city and the enhancement of the urban and natural heritage of the contemporary city.


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Author Biographies

Renzo Lecardane, University of Palermo

Associate Professor of Urban and building Design at the Department of Architecture, he is the founder of the Research Group Labcity Architecture, associate at the Laboratory of Infrastructure, Architecture and Territory (ENSA Paris Malaquais).
E-mail: renzo.lecardane@unipa.it

Paola La Scala, University of Palermo

Architect, she is PhD at the Department of Architecture and a member of the Research Unit Labcity Architecture.
E-mail: lascala.paola@gmail.com


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The Bridge of Peace in the bay of Fusan-ko in Busan (credit: F. Settecasi).




How to Cite

Lecardane, R. and La Scala, P. (2018) “Teaching experiences and architectural directions in South Korea”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 3(online), pp. 133–140. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/3182018.



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