Food system design for resilient communities – Urban agriculture and sustainable spaces


  • Stefano Follesa University of Florence (Italy)
  • Martina Corti University of Florence (Italy)
  • Diletta Struzziero University of Florence (Italy)
  • Aurora Piluso University of Florence (Italy)



food system design, social design, urban agriculture, resilient community, social innovation


In the post-pandemic society with numerous social challenges, there is an increasing focus on public institutions to provide new services. The 2030 Agenda emphasises the need for sustainable and inclusive development, reducing inequalities in cities. This study focuses on autonomous and resilient urban food systems, analysing Social Design strategies for greater social cohesion. Urban Agriculture promotes environmental awareness and social inclusion by integrating innovative designs and advanced technologies. This urban regeneration approach aims to transform residual urban spaces into community parks dedicated to sharing resources and building connections between people. Through in-depth analysis and the application of new technologies, urban social and environmental sustainability improvements are sought.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 20/04/2024; Accepted: 29/04/2024


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Author Biographies

Stefano Follesa, University of Florence (Italy)

Designer and PhD, he is a Researcher and has been a Visiting Professor at the NUAA University Nanjing (China) and Alzahra University (Iran). His research interests include Spatial Design and Narrative Design.

Martina Corti, University of Florence (Italy)

Designer and Subject Expert at the Degree Course in Industrial Design, she carries out research on the themes of Hybrid City and Urban Regeneration.

Diletta Struzziero, University of Florence (Italy)

Designer, she is a Teaching Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Interior Design. Her research interests include Spatial Design, Eco-social Design and Urban Regeneration.

Aurora Piluso, University of Florence (Italy)

Designer, she collaborates with the Laboratory of Spatial Design. Her research interests include Sustainable Design, Eco-social Design and Urban Regeneration.


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How to Cite

Follesa, S., Corti, M., Struzziero, D. and Piluso, A. (2024) “Food system design for resilient communities – Urban agriculture and sustainable spaces”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 306–315. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/15252024.