Verbal Design Modelling – Complexity, AI and product innovation


  • Jacopo Mascitti University of Camerino (Italy)
  • Davide Paciotti University of Camerino (Italy)



industrial design, artificial intelligence, product innovation, verbal modelling, midjourney


The constant increase in tools for content generation through Artificial Intelligence (AI) is influencing and will increasingly impact the design field. This paper analyses the application of AI technology for text-to-image conversion in the specific area of product design, particularly during the development of initial concepts, identifying significant implications for innovation in industrial products. For the first time, technology can assist designers in the product conception phase, rather than in a later stage. An experimental approach, called Verbal Design Modelling (VDM), is presented and discussed. It aims to develop innovative product concepts through AI text-to-image software, to manage the complexity of AI-designer interaction in this specific context.


Article info

Received: 10/09/2024; Revised: 09/10/2024; Accepted: 10/10/2024


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Author Biographies

Jacopo Mascitti, University of Camerino (Italy)

Designer, Architect, and PhD, he is a Researcher at the School of Architecture and Design. His research primarily focuses on Industrial Design, particularly in innovation processes related to environmental sustainability, bio-inspiration, safety, and artificial intelligence.

Davide Paciotti, University of Camerino (Italy)

Designer and PhD, he is a Researcher at the School of Architecture and Design. His research primarily focuses on Industrial Design, with a particular interest in the evolutionary processes resulting from the interaction between rapid production technologies, generative parametric modelling, and artificial intelligence.


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VDM: 2nd phase, verbal experimentation, electric scooter example (credit: the Authors, 2024). AGATHÓN 16 | 2024




How to Cite

Mascitti, J. and Paciotti, D. (2024) “Verbal Design Modelling – Complexity, AI and product innovation”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 16, pp. 344–353. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/16292024.