User experience design and sustainability of AI-infused objects
user experience, design, sustainability, artificial intelligence, internet of thingsAbstract
AI-infused objects have become an integral part of the daily lives of an increasing number of users. While these objects offer undeniable benefits, they also raise concerns due to their environmental impact. This paper explores the characteristics of these objects and the ecosystem they create, presenting an interpretive model that examines three primary components: physical, digital, and usage. When it comes to ‘sustainability’, Design generally focuses on environmental impacts related to the physical component, while Engineering evaluates the impacts of the digital component. However, these assessments are often disconnected and fail to encompass the impacts associated with usage. The proposed approach seeks to integrate diverse methodologies to elicit the impacts related to the user experience and generate greater awareness already in the design phase.
Article info
Received: 04/04/2023; Revised: 02/05/2023; Accepted: 09/05/2023
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