Digital models and natural language – New perspectives for interpreting complexity
design 5.0, openbim, human-artificial intelligence interaction, large language model, chatbotAbstract
New perspectives for interpreting complexity are now made possible by the collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence through large language models. This approach can enrich the narrative of construction and infrastructure works through tangible and comprehensible semantic representations that increase the accessibility of digital models to users in the field. The research explores using a chatbot as a possible cognitive interpretation tool to improve understanding and knowledge extraction from increasingly complex data systems. The study results describe and highlight the crucial role of the prototype in supporting the interrogation of graphical and alphanumeric information in OpenBIM format of critical infrastructure for management, maintenance and personnel training purposes.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2024; Revised: 11/10/2024; Accepted: 14/10/2024
Article Metrics Graph
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Osello, Francesca Maria Ugliotti, Nicola Rimella, Francesco Loddo

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