Urban Green Infrastructure in Latin America – A strategy for Bogota courtyards


  • Julia Nerantzia Tzortzi Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Maria Stella Lux Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Natalia Pardo Delgado Politecnico di Milano (Italy)




urban courtyards, outdoor microclimate, urban green infrastructure, nature-based solutions, Latin America


Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions are crucial for the sustainable transformation of cities into more resilient and inclusive places. However, the planning and design of these interventions must be tailored to different urban environments and socioeconomic contexts. Despite being one of the most urbanised global areas, the Latin American and Caribbean region still needs to be more researched. In this regard, this contribution provides an analytical and design framework for integrating nature-based solutions in dense urban contexts for microclimate mitigation and improved usability. It is constructed by considering the morphological, historical, climatic, and administrative peculiarities of Latin America, and it has been applied and tested in the case study of Bogotá (Colombia). The result is a matrix for constructing design strategies based on three key attributes of outdoor spaces and four design components.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 22/04/2024; Accepted: 02/05/2024


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Author Biographies

Julia Nerantzia Tzortzi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

PhD, she is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Department of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering. She is a Full Member of the Landscape Institute (UK), AIAPP, and IASLA, the Coordinator of the Master of Landscape Architecture at the American University of Cyprus, and formerly a Lecturer at Neapolis University of Cyprus. She is also the Coordinator of the H2020 HARMONIA project. Her research focuses on urban resilience, impact assessment of nature-based solutions, and sustainable design.
E-mail: julia.georgi@polimi.it

Maria Stella Lux, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

PhD, she is a Research Fellow in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering. She is a Full Member of AIAPP and collaborates on the H2020 HARMONIA, MSCA YADES, and HE MI-TRAP projects. Her research involves the integration of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in historic urban areas.
E-mail: mariastella.lux@polimi.it

Natalia Pardo Delgado, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Landscape Architect, she completed her education at Universidad Piloto de Colombia in Bogotá (Colombia) and the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy). She has teaching assistance experience in the University, private design projects, and collaborations with Colombian Entities and Institutions such as VISR (Rural Social Interest Housing) and the Banco Agrario de Colombia.
E-mail: natalia.pardo@mail.polimi.it


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How to Cite

Tzortzi, J. N., Lux, M. S. and Pardo Delgado, N. (2024) “Urban Green Infrastructure in Latin America – A strategy for Bogota courtyards”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 216–227. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/15172024.

Transcalar project of nature-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda. Innovations and interconnections

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