Green climate-adaptive streetscapes regeneration – The De Urbanisten Experience in Antwerp


  • Marcello Corradi De Urbanisten (The Netherlands)
  • Timo Stevens De Urbanisten (The Netherlands)
  • Ina Macaione University of Basilicata (Italy)
  • Alessandro Raffa University of Basilicata (Italy)
  • Bianca Andaloro University of Basilicata (Italy)



climate-adaptive architecture, nature-based solutions, streetscapes, urban regeneration, De Urbanisten


The contribution aims to explore the theme of complexity in relation to some of the current and urgent challenges of our time. Reflecting on trans-disciplinarity in architecture means venturing into uncertain territory: architecture employs hybrid ways of understanding reality, bridging scientific and non-scientific knowledge, as well as theoretical and practical insights. The paper introduces an ongoing research about nature-based climate-adaptive streetscape applied in the City of Matera, focusing on the role of research-driven design processes in urban regeneration. Inside this theoretical and operational framework, the paper reflects upon the crucial contribution of the globally Dutch architectural Studio De Urbanisten and its spatial approach to contemporary complexity, with a focus on climate adaptation and nature inclusivity. In this regard, the paper discusses the ongoing Research by design experimentation for the Belgian City of Antwerp, which resulted in a global Masterplan and a pilot project currently under implementation.


Article info

Received: 20/09/2024; Revised: 15/10/2024; Accepted: 17/10/2024


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Author Biographies

Marcello Corradi, De Urbanisten (The Netherlands)

Landscape Designer, he is a Member of De Urbanisten (The Netherlands) since 2019. He graduated cum laude in Architecture Bachelor from the Politecnico di Milano and obtained a Landschapsarchitectuure Master at the TUDelft. He worked on redevelopment plans of residential and urban areas in Schiedam (Dirkzwager), Nijmegen (Hart van de Waalsprong) and Antwerp (Wapper), and the Keilehaven tidal park in Rotterdam.

Timo Stevens, De Urbanisten (The Netherlands)

Urban Designer, he was a Member of De Urbanisten (The Netherlands) from 2015 to 2024. He graduated from HBO Ruimtelijke Ordening en Planologie, Breda (2012-2015) and attended the Landschapsarchitectuur minor at the TUDelft. He worked on climate adaptation plans for Antwerp, Ghent, ‘s-Hertogenbosch Delft and Enschede, the climate adaptive vision for Zomerhofkwartier-Agniesebuurt in Rotterdam, the regional exploration of the Rhine-Meuse estuary, and the Wapper in Antwerp.

Ina Macaione, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect, she is an Associate Professor at the Dipartimento per l’Innovazione Umanistica, Scientifica e Sociale (DIUSS). She is the Scientific Coordinator of NatureCityLAB, carrying out research in the fields of urban regeneration, landscape, and public space design from an eco-sustainable perspective.

Alessandro Raffa, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect PhD, he is an Assistant Professor RTD A PON R&I FSE-REACT-EU at the Dipartimento per l’Innovazione Umanistica, Scientifica e Sociale (DIUSS). He carries out research activities within the project for Climate-adaptive, green regeneration. He is a member of the Nature-City Lab and of Matera’s UNESCO Chair research groups. He had been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the College of Design, Construction and Planning and FIBER, University of Florida.

Bianca Andaloro, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is a PNRR Tech4You Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Dipartimento per l’Innovazione Umanistica, Scientifica e Sociale (DIUSS). Her research explores the various facets of adaptive architecture at different scales. As a Member of the Nature-City Lab, she focuses on climate adaptation and the inclusivity of nature in public spaces. She has been a Visiting Scholar and researcher at Hogeschool van Amsterdam.


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How to Cite

Corradi, M., Stevens, T., Macaione, I., Raffa, A. and Andaloro, B. (2024) “Green climate-adaptive streetscapes regeneration – The De Urbanisten Experience in Antwerp”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 16, pp. 60–73. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1652024.

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