Green infrastructure in arid urban contexts. Transitioning ecologies beyond Green Riyadh


  • Monica Moscatelli Prince Sultan University of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
  • Alessandro Raffa University of Basilicata (Italy)



arid urban contexts, green infrastructure, ecological transition, resilience, sustainability


Green infrastructures play a crucial role in urban transitions by integrating and coordinating the environmental, economic, and social dimensions. This contribution focuses on green infrastructures within urban contexts characterised by an arid climate, particularly in Riyadh as a hologram of the Saudi city. The goal is to outline the current role of green infrastructure between plans and projects, identifying future limits and possibilities through a ‘landscape-based’ approach to green infrastructure. Seven integrated and interacting strategic lines will therefore be identified, which aim to inform the process of implementation of the green infrastructure in a holistic and complex key, opening up to alternative scenarios of ecological transition for the Saudi city.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2023; Revised: 29/04/2023; Accepted: 09/05/2023


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Author Biographies

Monica Moscatelli, Prince Sultan University of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Architect and PhD, she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture. She carries out research activities in architectural composition and urban regeneration. She is a member of the Sustainable Architecture Lab research group. She received the best paper award, ‘Sustainability and the built environment’ ICSDI2022.

Alessandro Raffa, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Research Fellow at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures. He carries out research activities mainly in the context of the project for sustainable regeneration. He is a member of the research groups of the Nature-City Lab and the UNESCO Chair of Matera and an Associate Researcher at FEEM.


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How to Cite

Moscatelli, M. and Raffa, A. (2023) “Green infrastructure in arid urban contexts. Transitioning ecologies beyond Green Riyadh”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 13, pp. 75–86. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1362023.