Climate change in reclamation landscapes – Adaptation between module and modularity


  • Carla Brisotto University of Florida (USA)
  • Jeff Carney University of Florida (USA)
  • Ina Macaione University of Basilicata (Italy)
  • Alessandro Raffa University of Basilicata (Italy)



reclamation landscapes, climate change, module, modularity, design


Modern drainage of wetlands has produced landscapes that are expressions of a productive view of natural space. These landscapes result from a profound environmental transformation driven by economic, social, health, and cultural reasons. Today, these autonomous territorial machines face the effects of climate change, a challenge that will require significant changes and a paradigm shift leading to new ecologies and aesthetics. Through an unexplored comparison of reclamation landscapes between the Everglades, Florida (US) and Metaponto, Basilicata (Italy), this contribution reflects on the limits and possibilities of adaptation through the concepts of module and modularity. The emerging themes will inform future methodological and operational experimentations for adapting modern reclamation landscapes to climate change.


Article info

Received: 10/09/2023; Revised: 18/10/2023; Accepted: 30/10/2023


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Author Biographies

Carla Brisotto, University of Florida (USA)

Architect and PhD, she is an Assistant Director at the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER), an Assistant Scholar at the School of Architecture, and a member of the Florida Resilient Cities Lab. Her research focuses on the intersection between urban settlements and agricultural ecosystems.

Jeff Carney, University of Florida (USA)

Architect, Urban Planner, and MCP, he is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Director of the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER). He specializes in the urban design of housing systems with particular attention to adaptation to climate change.

Ina Macaione, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures, Architecture Environment and Cultural Heritage (DiCEM). Scientific Coordinator of NatureCityLAB, she carries out research in urban regeneration, landscape and public space design from an eco-sustainable perspective.

Alessandro Raffa, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is an Assistant Professor PON R&I – FSE REACT-EU at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM). He is currently a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at FIBER, University of Florida, conducting research activities within nature-based urban design for climate adaptation.


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Module: EAA settlement infrastructure (credit: C. Brisotto and A. Raffa; source: Google Earth, 2023). AGATHÓN 14 | 2023




How to Cite

Brisotto, C., Carney, J., Macaione, I. and Raffa, A. (2023) “Climate change in reclamation landscapes – Adaptation between module and modularity”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 14, pp. 62–73. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1442023.