Public spaces of the energy transition – A design in Nepi for the New European Bauhaus


  • Luca Montuori ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)
  • Stefano Converso ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)
  • Marta Rabazo Martín ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)



model, design, public space, community, energy


The paper presents a reflection on the contribution provided by the Research Unit of Roma Tre University Department of Architecture to the EHHUR project, selected within the New European Bauhaus (NEB) program. Can design contribute to the construction of a new awareness on the topics of energy transition? Does it make sense to imagine new devices able to build spaces acting as enabling interfaces of virtuous behaviours? Moving from these questions the work has developed a methodology to support Municipalities and local communities in seven European cities to develop interventions in public spaces and buildings according to the three NEB principles of beautiful, sustainable, together. The experience challenges the role of architectural design in transitioning from a phase of abstract modeling of standardised solutions to applying the principles identified into tangible spaces and concrete contexts.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 15/04/2024; Accepted: 22/04/2024


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Author Biographies

Luca Montuori, ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture. Between 2017 and 2021, he was a Councillor for Urban Planning of Roma Capitale, and currently, he is a Component of Research Units PRIN – TransHeatActions and Horizon – EHHUR, investigating the interscalar dimension of the project between city, public space and landscape.

Stefano Converso, ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Researcher in Architectural and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture and the Head of the Models and Prototypes Laboratory, where he has launched research on the prototyping of open-source components for public spaces. He is the EHHUR Research Coordinator for ‘Roma Tre’ University.

Marta Rabazo Martín, ‘Roma Tre’ University (Italy)

Architect, Landscape Architect and PhD, he is a Research Fellow for the EHHUR project at the Department of Architecture. Since 2015, she has coordinated the Open Master Architecture and Landscape Representation, and since 2023, she has been a Member of the Scientific Committee of the two-year Master level II Arpa – Architecture and Representation of Landscape and Environment ‘Roma Tre’ University while since 2008 she has been collaborating with the Balmori Associates studio in New York.


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How to Cite

Montuori, L., Converso, S. and Rabazo Martín, M. (2024) “Public spaces of the energy transition – A design in Nepi for the New European Bauhaus”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 138–147. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/15102024.