For a design transition – Green composition and design for the contemporary city


  • Claudia Pirina University of Udine (Italy)
  • Giovanni Comi University of Udine (Italy)
  • Vincenzo d’Abramo University of Udine (Italy)



third landscape, urban regeneration, re-naturalisation, land design, transcalarity


The paper addresses the issue of energy transition through the regeneration and reuse of abandoned urban spaces. While the theme of re-naturalisation of soils and preservation of natural environments is a familiar one in contemporary architectural culture, the need to rethink the systematisation of individual interventions in order to arrive at a transcalar approach to design seems to be a reflection that still requires the necessary critical investigation. In this sense, the contribution, through the reading of some case studies, investigates the potential that elements such as urban voids and landscape-territorial systems, declined in their ability to affect the energy transition, are capable of generating for the project, contributing directly and indirectly on transformative phenomena, both in urban and peripheral areas.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 23/04/2024; Accepted: 07/05/2024


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Author Biographies

Claudia Pirina, University of Udine (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition. She has given lectures and conferences in Italian and foreign Universities, organised exhibitions and seminars, and participated in workshops. Her research topics are Archaeology, the Masters of Spanish Architecture, the relationship between Architecture and the Arts, and the Landscapes Theatre of the Great War.

Giovanni Comi, University of Udine (Italy)

Architect and PhD in Architectural and Urban Composition, he is a Researcher at DPIA. His research focuses on architectural composition at different scales, design related to the built environment, and urban and landscape regeneration in marginal and fragile contexts.

Vincenzo d’Abramo, University of Udine (Italy)

Architect and PhD in Architectural and Urban Composition, he is a Research Fellow at DPIA. His research investigates the role of composition in contemporary city design, exploring in particular the experience of some masters of German architecture.


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How to Cite

Pirina, C., Comi, G. and d’Abramo, V. (2024) “For a design transition – Green composition and design for the contemporary city”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 124–137. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1592024.