Impermanence and Architecture. Ideas, Concepts, Words


  • Massimo Perriccioli 'Federico II' University of Napoli



temporality, dynamism, nomadism, information, interaction


Temporariness, in its different ways of interpretation, is an emerging theme of the contemporary architectural research and raises questions about the effects of new technologies, both tangible and intangible, on ways of conceiving and realizing spaces for contemporary living. In reconsidering the concepts of stability and permanence within the process that establishes a new relationship between architectural space and time, a design approach oriented to the experimentation of innovative solutions and new structures of living is urged, towards a building philosophy in which construction becomes an act of conscious and continuously definable transformation, which arrange the time of technique to the life of man and re-establishes the importance of the temporal dimension as an environmental issue of the project.


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Author Biography

Massimo Perriccioli, 'Federico II' University of Napoli

PhD, he is Full Professor of Technology of Architecture. He is in charge of the Scientific Committee of the international seminar Incontri dell’Annunziata – Study Days in Honor of Eduardo Vittoria; he is a member of the SITdA Steering Committee and is the Coordinator of the Social Housing cluster. He carries out research in the field of technological and social innovation, focusing in particular on the experimentation of design strategies and methodologies for architecture in emergency settings, for temporary architecture and for social housing.


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Shigeru Ban, Nomadic Museum, 2005-07 (credit: Kronenburg, 2002)




How to Cite

Perriccioli, M. (2018) “Impermanence and Architecture. Ideas, Concepts, Words”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 4(online), pp. 5–12. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/412018.