Durable works, ephemeral works … twenty years later


  • Massimo Lauria Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria




duration, temporariness, permanence, project, construction


In October 1998 the Modulo magazine published an article written by Giovanni Klaus Koenig entitled ‘Durable works, ephemeral works’ in which the author treated the delicate relationship that connects architecture with its conservation. Twenty years later, this article wants to tackle three of the questions then posed by the Professor as a corollary of his treatment. It also wants to actualize its cultural significance by considering the most important instances of the contemporaneity. The first question concerns the relationship between the ‘durable’ and the ‘ephemeral’ in architecture. The second question concerns the ‘two-ways’ approach to architectural criticism that Cesare Brandi called ‘astanza’ and ‘semiosi’. Finally, the third one concern the question that Koenig identifies as the ‘restoration of the projects’.


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Author Biography

Massimo Lauria, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria

Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Territory. He carries out research on design of the existing, with attention to the themes of technological renovation and building maintenance.
E-mail: mlauria@unirc.it


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How to Cite

Lauria, M. (2018) “Durable works, ephemeral works … twenty years later”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 4(online), pp. 65–72. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/482018.



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