Ecology and digital technologies. Small-scale architecture as a place of connections


  • Massimo Perriccioli ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy)
  • Roberto Ruggiero University of Camerino (Italy)
  • Michael Salka IAAC Barcelona (Spain)



ecology, circularity, digital, small-scale architecture, adaptability


Starting from the relationships between digital technologies and environmental culture, the essay aims to outline the contours of the new ecological dimension of architectural design as a place of multiple and interacting connections in which we can critically resolve the dichotomy between nature and culture. From this point of view, small-scale architecture provides a promising field of experimentation in which new technological systems, marked by more efficient ecological solutions, meet and integrate with the management of biological cycles. Industrial and production processes, rethought on the basis of the circularity paradigm, can be organised in a similar way to natural ecosystems with regard to the use of energy and materials, becoming a promising option for making them more efficient and sustainable.


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Author Biographies

Massimo Perriccioli, ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture, where he coordinates the Degree Course in Design for the Community. He carries out research in the field of technological culture of architecture and design.

Roberto Ruggiero, University of Camerino (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Researcher at the School of Architecture and Design. He carries out research activities mainly in the field of innovation of construction processes.

Michael Salka, IAAC Barcelona (Spain)

Architect, Gates Cambridge PhD at the University of Cambridge, Technical Coordinator of Valldaura Labs at IAAC Barcelona (Spain) during the design and execution of the VQC. His research activity is focused on the use of big data and advanced digital technologies in the field of environmental sustainability and, in particular, circular economy applied to the construction sector.


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How to Cite

Perriccioli, M., Ruggiero, R. and Salka, M. (2021) “Ecology and digital technologies. Small-scale architecture as a place of connections”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 10(online), pp. 36–45. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1032021.

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