Heritage for a sustainable future – The theoretical principle of reversibility and its reflections on architecture
reuse, reversibility, circularity, flexibility, additionAbstract
The theme of reversibility in architecture focuses on the addition of the new to the existing and how this ‘input’ can be made reversible to preserve the pre-existing ideas budding in the Italian culture of Restoration and promoting new ideas in architectural design and the sustainable reuse of building materials, according to the different seasons of Kunstwollen. The experiences, which the contribution critically exposes, are oriented towards the possibility of ensuring the effective reversibility of interventions while addressing the theme of the design of reversible architectural elements and revisiting traditional techniques and materials, reinterpreted in a new key, also about the themes of demographic increase and the growing need for ‘flexibility’ typical of the contemporary era.
Article info
Received: 21/09/2024; Revised: 11/11/2024; Accepted: 12/11/2024
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