Temporariness of textile architecture. A comparitive study on innovation


  • Carlotta Mazzola Polytechnic of Milano
  • Alessandro Liuti MSD University of Melbourne




textile architecture, temporary structure, lightweight technology, architectural technology, innovation


Due to the increasing demand in temporary and adaptable city spaces, this article discusses international projects and prototypes built in the emerging field of temporary textile architecture. On the one hand, these structures negotiate temporary, contextual, and functional requisites from early design stages; on the other, they wisely blend typological, technological, and constructive features. The discussion pivots around the tight link between architectural and technological innovation, and how this often generates improvements in functional and environmental performances while enabling a more conscious resource allocation throughout the lifespan of a project.


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Author Biographies

Carlotta Mazzola, Polytechnic of Milano

Architect, she is PhD Student at Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Department. She conducts research in the field of lightweight and ultra-lightweight textile-based structures.
E-mail: carlotta.mazzola@polimi.it

Alessandro Liuti, MSD University of Melbourne

He is Postdoctoral Researcher at Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.
E-mail: aliuti@student.unimelb.edu.au


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How to Cite

Mazzola, C. and Liuti, A. (2018) “Temporariness of textile architecture. A comparitive study on innovation”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 4(online), pp. 195–202. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/4242018.



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