Teaching Architecture in Palermo
architecture, training, teaching, profession, project teachingAbstract
The essay focuses on today’s education at the Architecture University of Palermo, outlining a general context from two points of view. The first one identifies some peculiarities developed in about two hundred years of history, from the birth of the Chair of Civil and Static Architecture, inside the Royal Academy of Studies (1779), to that of the foundation of the Faculty of Architecture (1944). The second one refers itself to a chronologically narrower field able to highlight the last decades and analyze the elements of continuity and discontinuity during about two centuries of history and, moreover, the most recent transformation process of the architect-teacher figure. As a whole, the overall image that results is, at the same time, the survey and the design of the Faculty of Architecture, whose legacy is merged into the homonymous Department and, as regards the teaching activity, in the five-year degree course in Architecture.
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