Between theory and practice: teaching Design in Cole, Bauhaus and HfG Schools


  • Dario Russo University of Palermo



education, history, workshop, University, business


The task of Universities is educating minds to contribute to society’s cultural development. In recent times, however, in Italy we are experiencing a gap between what is studied at University and what happens in the business world. To demonstrate how education (and also research) must be linked to the business world, I will highlight the work of three institutions that have marked fundamental milestones in design history: the Government School of London, founded by Henry Cole in the nineteenth century, the Bauhaus and the Hochschule für Gestaltung of Ulm. The result is a close and foreseeing link between education, experimentation and the business world in these excellence institutions; making possible important experiences that underlie design. In a nutshell, in design studies, deep entwinement between theory and practice is not merely a necessity but the essence of the design itself.


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Author Biography

Dario Russo, University of Palermo

Architect and PhD, he is Associate Professor of Industrial Design at the Department of Architecture. He is author of several essays on design and visual communication, among whose Freee Graphics and Il Design dei Nostri Tempi.


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How to Cite

Russo, D. (2018) “Between theory and practice: teaching Design in Cole, Bauhaus and HfG Schools”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 3(online), pp. 183–190. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/3242018.



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