The circular economy for food in future cities. Good practices that define Smart Food


  • Franco Fassio University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo
  • Elisa Cionchi University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo
  • Alice Tondella University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo



food system, circular economy, SDGs, sustainable business model, smart food


Food, a basic unit of connection among all SDGs, plays an essential role in the transition towards a sustainable development. This essay makes its scientific contribution to define both the theoretical-practical framework where the Circular Economy for food is developing and, in particular, its application to the urban context. When the population increases, the resources demand increases in the urban areas too, and environmental problems and socio-economic differences among citizens emerge. The analysis originates from 27 case histories concerning the food system, selected in order to represent the circular business models emerging from urban contexts and differing in the several steps of the food supply chain. Nine of them are closely studied in this essay to make the analysis clearer. A so-called Smart Food framework emerges, where the urban circular economy communicates with sustainable development in a systemic and regenerative way.


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Author Biographies

Franco Fassio, University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

Systemic Designer and PhD, he is a Researcher in Design. He teaches Systemic Design, Eco-Design, Circular Economy for Food and is Co-Manager of the Master in Design for Food.

Elisa Cionchi, University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

BSc in Business Administration and Management and MSc in Food Innovation and Management, since 2018 she has been involved as a Research Assistant in several research projects within the field of innovation and circular economy for food.

Alice Tondella, University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

Bsc in Economics and Statistics for the Organizations and MSc in Food Innovation and Management, she has taken part to projects about sustainable and socially inclusive innovation of the food system, even at an international level.


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A successful Zero-acreage Farming: salad crops in London underground tunnels (credit: AGATHÓN 08 | 2020




How to Cite

Fassio, F., Cionchi, E. and Tondella, A. (2020) “The circular economy for food in future cities. Good practices that define Smart Food”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 244–253. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/8232020.

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