CERN. Multiscalar Paradigm


  • Luigi Mandraccio University of Genova



science, complexity, structure, system, laboratory


The multiscalar issue is interpreted here as an essential principle of the mechanics of the project. Each scale, even if taken individually, must be considered within a reference system that is coherent not only based on a series of quantitative and conventional starting principles but even more than a general logic composed of the totality of the scales involved. The contribution – focused on the structures of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin – aims to investigate the issue of ‘scales’ by looking at the multiscalar project as a creator of a ‘difficult unit’, composed through a ‘structure’ «[… ] as to how things become intelligible» (Forty, 2012, p. 283). CERN, an extraordinary inescapable machine, represents a paradigmatic case on the issue of the multiscalar project.


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Author Biography

Luigi Mandraccio, University of Genova

Architect and a PhD Student in Architecture at dAD, Polytechnic School. His research concerns the themes of Science and machine. In particular, he is studying cases of special and extreme structures for scientific research. He has written several essays and articles and has spoken at conferences and seminars.


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Tunnel work for the future High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), 16 August 2019 (credit: M. Brice, CERN Photos Archive). AGATHÓN 07 | 2020




How to Cite

Mandraccio, L. (2020) “CERN. Multiscalar Paradigm”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 7(online), pp. 54–63. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/762020.

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