Complexity and meanings of the mashrabiya in the Islamic arts between tradition and digital innovation
cultural heritage, Mashrabiya, complexity, craftsmanship, parametric designAbstract
In relation to the theme of complexity and its etymological meaning in terms of an intertwining of elements that constitute a unit characterised by variability, the contribution focuses on the cultural heritage of Islamic art by considering the connections, environmental and socio-cultural interactions, and the intersections between craftsmanship and design of the Mashrabiya. Consisting of a projecting volume on the street front, covered with refined modular patterns typically in wood, the screen functions as a climatic and privacy device, adhering to some traditional principles of the Arab world, especially those related to the condition of women. The study investigates the symbolic and cultural role of the Mashrabiya, analysing the calculations and geometries underlying the design of the patterns and proposing their systematisation in open-source archives. Striking a balance between tradition and innovation, to preserve and transmit the value of the Mashrabiya for future developments, the contribution explores the integration between artisanal techniques and parametric design through the collaboration of different expertise.
Article info
Received: 17/09/2024; Revised: 13/10/2024; Accepted: 15/10/2024
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