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Urban greeen areas in the reduction of cooling loads. Simulations in the Mediterranean climate


  • Carola Clemente ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Massimo Palme Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)
  • Anna Mangiatordi ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Daniele La Rosa University of Catania (Italy)
  • Riccardo Privitera University of Catania (Italy)



green infrastructures, nature-based solutions, urban green areas, reduction of cooling loads on buildings, urban frameworks in the Mediterranean climate


The fight against climate change and the right use of soil are two challenges on a global scale. The urbanization and the progressive reduction of green areas and permeable surfaces in urban settlements are amplifying some phenomena such as the increase of frequency and intensity of heatwaves and the annual average temperature, causing the growth of building energy demand. The paper examines the energy-saving potential that can be obtained by planting trees in outdoor spaces available around buildings for different urban frameworks in the Mediterranean climate. The data coming from the simulations, referred to residential sectors, expand the knowledge about the energy-environmental benefits of Green Infrastructures and are useful to guide sustainable practices of urban regeneration.


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Author Biographies

Carola Clemente, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at the DIAP Department. She carries out research activities on management and control of the feasibility of complex programmes, integrated design and redevelopment of social housing, technological and energy redevelopment of buildings and Smart Cities and Communities focusing in particular on Positive Energy Districts.

Massimo Palme, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Visiting Professor at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile). He carried out research activities on the effects of climate change on the built environment, urban microclimate and the simulation of building performances.

Anna Mangiatordi, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Architect and PhD, she is a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of the degree course Green Infrastructures and Biomaterials at the DIAP Department. She carries out research activities on smart typological and technological innovation in buildings for vulnerable and elderly users, on technologies and nature-based materials and on the use of methods and digital tools to control and manage the project.

Daniele La Rosa, University of Catania (Italy)

Engineer and PhD, he is an Associate Professor in Urban and Environmental Planning at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture. His research subjects include sustainable planning, ecosystem services, GIS application for urban and landscape planning, environmental indicators, environmental strategic assessment, land use science and landscape studies.

Riccardo Privitera, University of Catania (Italy)

Engineer and PhD, he is a Researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture. His scientific interests include the design of non-urbanized areas, urban green infrastructures, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, ecosystem services, the analysis of urban morphology, real estate development processes and the transfer of development rights.


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Case study D: residential buildings in Benidorm, Viña del Mar (credit: the Authors, 2022) – AGATHÓN 11_2022





How to Cite

Clemente, C., Palme, M., Mangiatordi, A., La Rosa, D. and Privitera, R. (2022) “Urban greeen areas in the reduction of cooling loads. Simulations in the Mediterranean climate”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 11(online), pp. 182–191. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/11162022.



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