From mega to nano, a round trip. The process/project of protection, preservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage


  • Stefano Francesco Musso University of Genova



cultural heritage, architecture, restoration, preservation, matter


The terms ‘mega’ and ‘nano’ proposed by Agathón issue number 7 are linked, primarily, to the scientific field and in particular to metrology, but are often found also in common, figurative or metaphorical language. However, they seem in any way linked to the complex world of Cultural Heritage and their protection, conservation, preservation, restoration, enhancement and management. Actually, this is not the case. In many cases these terms are directly relevant to that field and, in particular, to the Built Cultural Heritage, that is architecture at different scales. In other cases, they can still be used in a metaphorical or evocative sense, to express concepts relevant to this area of thought, study and action.


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Author Biography

Stefano Francesco Musso, University of Genova

Architect, he is a Full Professor of Restoration at the Department of Architecture and Design. He carries out research in the field of Restoration theories, projects and techniques. He is the President of SIRA (Italian Society for Architectural Restoration), Coordinator of the Conservation Network of EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) and the author of over 290 scientific publications in Italy and abroad.


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How to Cite

Musso, S. F. (2020) “From mega to nano, a round trip. The process/project of protection, preservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 7(online), pp. 34–43. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/742020.