Biomaterials and wetlands – Supply chains for construction and textiles through the enhancement of local ecosystems
biomaterials, biodiversity, wetland, textile supply chain, construction supply chainAbstract
Climate change and the consequent loss of biodiversity pose a threat to humanity. In response, design practices that integrate ecosystem conservation and biomaterial production are emerging, promoting ecological design. Two case studies, one in the construction sector and the other in textiles, illustrate how design can contribute to this goal by adapting to the specificity and complexity of local ecosystems. The projects demonstrate that the interaction between materials, technologies, and ecological environments not only fosters sustainability but also creates economic opportunities through innovative and local production chains. The comparison between the two cases highlights distinct yet complementary approaches, suggesting potential cross-pollination between productive sectors to promote more sustainable local economies.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2024; Revised: 10/10/2024; Accepted: 11/10/2024
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