Order, complexity, measure. The project between architecture and nature


  • Antonella Falzetti ‘Tor Vergata’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Ina Macaione University of Basilicata (Italy)
  • Vera Autilio BrookMcIlroy Studio in Toronto (Canada)




architecture, innovative technologies, bio-design, biophilic design, nature and knowledge


The paper aims to show how modern technologies, including those coming from established habits – today with great possibilities – have shifted towards new building horizons with an ‘ecological conscience’, avoiding uncritically referring to nature as a salvific model, to be imitated and evoked, perhaps with formal and superficial operations. The paper contains some varied project experiences. Even though the projects start from different premises, they develop experimental solutions identifying nature as a principle to elaborate by updating its rules. Among these, we find both a prototype of urban micro-design that incorporates vegetal processes and rules its aesthetic and functional benefits, where nature is integrated into the building technique, and projects with an indigenous origin important for the implementation of the symbiosis between nature and architecture in the built environment.


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Author Biographies

Antonella Falzetti, ‘Tor Vergata’ University of Rome (Italy)

PhD Architect, she is a Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering. She carries out research on the connection between project and modification of new urban landscapes and applied research on adaptive and sustainable micro-architectures (technique, human centre design and digital technologies).
E-mail: falzetti@ing.uniroma2.it

Ina Macaione, University of Basilicata (Italy)

Architect, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures, Environment, and Cultural Heritage (DiCEM). Scientific Coordinator of NatureCityLAB, she carries out research in the field of urban regeneration, landscape and public space project in an eco-sustainable key.
E-mail: ina.macaione@unibas.it

Vera Autilio, BrookMcIlroy Studio in Toronto (Canada)

Architect and PhD, she is a Designer. She carries out her research activity in Italy, China and Canada on urban and landscape design.
E-mail: vera.autilio@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Falzetti, A., Macaione, I. and Autilio, V. (2022) “Order, complexity, measure. The project between architecture and nature”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 11(online), pp. 104–113. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1192022.



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