Process, Project and Architecture


  • Paolo De Marco University of Palermo
  • Antonino Margagliotta University of Palermo
  • Fran Silvestre Polytechnic University of Valencia



process, systematization, architecture, geometry, standard


The concept of systematization is an innovative approach to the project that introduces a system of order with a method that proceeds by aggregating repeatable parts and regulates the phases of the design process. These principles can be found in the theories and experiments that lead to contemporary architecture, such as seriality, standardization, modularity that transform the project into a process and determine a new aesthetic. The works of the Fran Silvestre Arquitectos studio represent interesting examples that highlight the clarity of the process that operates through seriality and the definition of configurations based on dimensional relationships rather than on scale factors (as inherent in the concept of type) from which coherent structural and spatial solutions derive.


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Author Biographies

Paolo De Marco, University of Palermo

Construction Engineer-Architect, he is a PhD student at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) and the University of Palermo (Italy). Winner of Research scholarships, he carries out research on color in architecture; he participates in conferences at national and international level.

Antonino Margagliotta, University of Palermo

Engineer and Architect, he is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Composition at the Deparment of Architecture. He has organized and coordinated workshops, international seminars and exhibitions. Among his recent books: ‘Le forme del dialogo’, ‘Aesthetics for living’, ‘Progetti in una mano’, ‘Strada Paesaggio Città’, ‘La belleza eficaz’. His projects have received awards and have been widely published.

Fran Silvestre, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Architect and PhD, he is Professor of Architectural Design at the Department of Design; he was deputy Director of the ETSA in 2010-12 and is currently director of the March (Máster en arquitectura, diseño e innovación) at European University of Valencia.


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House of Seven Gardens (credit: F. Silvestre) agathón




How to Cite

De Marco, P., Margagliotta, A. and Silvestre, F. (2019) “Process, Project and Architecture”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 5(online), pp. 21–30. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/532019.



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