Design and Prickly Pear for a sustainable local Development


  • Anna Catania University of Palermo



design and agri-food, circular economy, sustainability


The article describes the relationship between design and a Sicilian agro-food product, the Roccapalumba ficodindia (prickly pear), for economic and territorial development in the respect of the environment. In such that, prickly pear is considered a resource capable of launching innovations, like the exploitation of waste and the relationship between local people. In the article, to create a second life to waste, the life cycle of the prickly pear was studied and among the various outputs, it was considered the pruning of the cladodes from which fibre was obtained, used in an innovative way and according to a local vision, focusing on cultural heritage and traditions.


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Author Biography

Anna Catania, University of Palermo

PhD and Researcher in Industrial Design at the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic School; she teaches Materials for Design and Industrial Design Studio. She carries out research on the relationship between design, innovative materials and environmental sustainability, between design and territory, and on packaging design.


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Cesto con la fibra del cladodio




How to Cite

Catania, A. (2017) “Design and Prickly Pear for a sustainable local Development”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 2(online), pp. 227–234. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/2302017.

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