Outline of a theatre proxemics in times of pandemic. Redefinition of spaces
strategy, transformation processes, reuse, new spatial geographies, managementAbstract
The topic of the contribution is the use/re-use of theatrical heritage, a system of spaces that offers heterogeneous ‘materials’ on which to run transformations processes: plays, sets, spaces. In the past, this happened harmonically following the changes in theatrical ‘action’, with stratifications in buildings, redesigns of decorative schemes, reuse of pre-existences that followed the demand for flexibility. The objective is to add new chapters to the ‘theatre proxemics’ that governs human behaviour in these spaces of social aggregation, in order to realign them to the prescriptions dictated by the pandemic. Performing arts, which already received insufficient attention from the Institutions, leading to a heated debate on the scarce economic resources, have experienced restrictions and closures during Covid-19 emergency, calling for the necessity of new values to give these spaces a second life.
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