After the firmitas. A metabolist perspective of resilient architecture


  • Zeila Tesoriere University of Palermo



firmitas, metabolism, energy transition, resilient architecture, sustainable architecture


Architecture has been built for millennia to stay the same – according to the Vitruvian firmitas. Instead, today it is oriented toward a dynamic adaptation to the changes in its context. The climate change is the most evident epiphenomenon among those that have imposed the new paradigms of resilience, the programmatic indeterminacy, the morphological flexibility, the open systemic approaches. Far from being a simple technical adaptation to new needs, the resilient architecture progressively clarifies its theoretical assumptions and its cultural derivations. A genealogical approach concerning the reformulation of some themes firstly introduced by Japanese Metabolism, helps to reframe its evolution and aims to contribute to the understanding of the formal definition of these new architectures.


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Author Biography

Zeila Tesoriere, University of Palermo

Architect and PhD, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, where she directs the Research Unit InFRA Lab. She is a member and founding partner of LIAT (ENSAParis Malaquais). Currently, ongoing research explores architectural design as cultural and situated production, within a framework marked by energy transition, sustainability issues, deindustrialization, circular economies. 


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Philippe Rahm architectes, Central Park di Taichung, Taiwan (credit: P. Rahm, 2018). AGATHÒN 06 | 2019




How to Cite

Tesoriere, Z. (2019) “After the firmitas. A metabolist perspective of resilient architecture”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 6(online), pp. 58–65. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/662019.



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