Resili(g)ence. Smart Cities / Resilient Landscape


  • Manuel Gausa University of Genoa



city, environment, perspective, urban intelligence, resilience


The holistic approach to the contemporary city recalls the use of new complex and integrated techno-environmental tools and qualitative urban development policies, in positive synergy. Advanced, proactive and reactive responses, which move in a hybrid field: on the one hand prevention and mitigation of conflicts and urban-territorial stress situations, through the interconnection of systematized data; on the other the programming of strategic interventions, articulated in intertwined systems. The term Resili(g)ence combines ‘intelligent values’ (information, knowledge, projection and adaptation) with ‘resilient values’ (resistance and recycling, recovery, renewal or adaptation) in a new responsive, sensory, and sensitive condition.


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Author Biography

Manuel Gausa, University of Genoa

Full Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Polytechnic School. The main areas of research and interest concern Advanced Urban Planning, Urban Design, Strategic, Urban and Territorial Prospectives, the Landscape as an environmental and territorial infrastructure, the study of Interactive Public Space, and the relationship between Resilience, Intelligence and City. 


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How to Cite

Gausa, M. (2019) “Resili(g)ence. Smart Cities / Resilient Landscape”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 6(online), pp. 14–25. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/622019.

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