Open Source Data and Strategic Project for Resilient City


  • Cristina Càndito University of Genova
  • Manuel Gausa University of Genova
  • Matilde Pitanti University of Genova
  • Giulia Sola University of Genova



open-source, data, planning, urban resilience, territorial strategies


This contribution explores the role of information technology, relating to the representation and processing of data in open source and crowd-sourced format, for the purpose of urban planning and design process. In the research field, an experimental analysis is carried out within the Genoese neighborhood of Molassana by comparing and processing, in a single system, the traditional cartography provided by the online portals of the public administration and the data shared by users on social networks and open source platforms. The complexity of the information obtained grows a synthetic multi-layer territorial strategy, strongly linked to the local and social context.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Càndito, University of Genova

Associate Professor at the Polytechnic School, Department of Architecture and Design. Principal research and interest theme are linked to analogical and digital drawing for architecture and urban design, visual modeling and descriptive geometry, history of representation, integrative real and virtual spaces in architectonic perspective and perception, the representation and communication of accessibility in public spaces. 

Manuel Gausa, University of Genova

Full Professor at the Polytechnic School, Department of Architecture and Design. Main research and interest themes are linked to advanced urbanism, urban design, urban and territorial strategic prospection, landscape as environmental and territorial infrastructure, interactive public space, resilience and smart cities.

Matilde Pitanti, University of Genova

PhD Student at the Polytechnic School, Department of Architecture and Design. Main research and interest themes concern urban-natural systems, interactive and intelligent public space, architecture for flooding management, urban design and active and interactive public space for the resilient city.

Giulia Sola, University of Genova

Doctor of Architecture at the Polytechnic School, Department of Architecture and Design. Main interest themes are linked to interactive and intelligent public space, architecture for flooding management, communications and representation of a project.


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How to Cite

Càndito, C., Gausa, M., Pitanti, M. and Sola, G. (2019) “Open Source Data and Strategic Project for Resilient City”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 5(online), pp. 117–126. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/5132019.



Architecture | Research & Experimentation