Ancient villages: synergies between the territory and the historical city


  • Adriana Scarlet Sferra 'Sapienza' University of Roma



territory, historic villages, sustainability


Continuity, in the sense of an ‘uninterrupted extension in time and space’, does not tolerate acceleration (urbanization) nor contingencies(migrants); or problemsthat can even be partially solved by acting on the suburban territory, precisely to ensure a necessary continuity with historical city planning . A summary of the results emerging from research analyses aimed atregenerating the territory along with the historic villagesrooted within it, and which identify a specific territory in cultural and socio-economic terms. The benefits expected are social (strengthening the population/territory ratio and providing migrant reception); economic (growth of productive activities); urban/environmental(protection ofthe natural environment and landscape, approval of the smart land plan), in conclusion, maintaining continuity when planning the historical city.


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Author Biography

Adriana Scarlet Sferra, 'Sapienza' University of Roma

Architect, she is Researcher at the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture.


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How to Cite

Sferra, A. S. (2017) “Ancient villages: synergies between the territory and the historical city”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 1(online), pp. 29–34. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/152017.



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