Project modules – Prospects for ancient heritage towards ecological transition
margins, regeneration, architectural module, adaptability, sustainabilityAbstract
For the marginal territories in northeastern Italy, there is a desire to formulate exploratory regeneration projects capable of bridging, through a multidisciplinary approach, the territorial and architectural scales. The concept of a module can serve as the foundation for the entire regenerative process, starting with the recovery and reuse of existing building heritage. The aim is to employ an architectural module capable of adapting, either as a single unit or when aggregated, by disassembling the urban fabric and reassembling it into new forms, designed to mediate between public and private space, thereby becoming the embodiment of a renewed compositional archetype. The architectural choice is made without predefined functions, allowing for the anticipation of regenerative processes in multiple contexts, operating on the potential of indeterminacy, rhythms, and juxtapositions.
Article info
Received: 10/09/2023; Revised: 09/10/2023; Accepted: 26/10/2023
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