Maker: the return of the builders. A possible digital transition for Architecture


  • Sergio Pone ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy)



digital transition, ecological transition, fablab, digital fabrication, the architect’s profession


This contribution attempts to answer the following question: how will the digital revolution affect architecture in the near future? To try to formulate a convincing answer, only very faint signals that come from courageous experiments are available, a result mainly of research work rather than market-proposed stimuli. A handful of researchers in a select number of Universities, armed with extraordinary digital skills and maker-type instrumentation, are creating new experimental constructions in which highly complex design is combined with extremely simple construction, which do not require the manufacturing skills and expensive equipment that populate traditional construction sites. By establishing these lines of development, it would be possible to bring architecture close to the people and restore a central role for the designer in the making of buildings.


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Author Biography

Sergio Pone, ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy)

Architect and PhD in Architecture Technology, is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture. He conducts research mainly in the area of innovative wooden structures and the dissemination of the digital revolution in the field of architecture.


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How to Cite

Pone, S. (2022) “Maker: the return of the builders. A possible digital transition for Architecture”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 14–23. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1212022.