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Towards a cultural transition of energy landscapes – Between responsibility and necessity


  • Giorgio Peghin University of Cagliari (Italy)



landscape, infrastructure, time, resilience, transdisciplinary


Every transition introduces a moment of novelty; however, in the environmental and landscape field, the effects of this change can be critical for various reasons. The first reason relates to the impacts of industrial infrastructures, mobility and the management of environmental processes, and is related to the lack of cohesion between the structures and the landscape. A second issue relates to decision-making processes and the principle of accountability of the same especially in environmental matters. Finally, the third point involves the temporal dimension and, more generally, the design of time as a system of relationships. This contribution aims, therefore, to reflect on the role of architectural design in complex contexts, providing operational indications and establishing the need to ‘read’ the present world and interpret it critically, avoiding exclusive technocratic dominion in issues that affect the future of the next generations and the destinies of our landscape.


Article info

Received: 11/04/2024; Revised: 19/04/2024; Accepted: 08/05/2024


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Author Biography

Giorgio Peghin, University of Cagliari (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Full Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition and Director of the Master in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering. In 2018, he was a Member of the National Research Group ‘Arcipelago Italia’ coordinated by Mario Cucinella, research presented at the Italian Pavilion of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. He is currently Head of Office for the PRIN 2022 PNRR Research entitled ‘Towards an Earthling Architecture – Strategies of Coexistence and Care for Landscapes at Risk in Southern Italy (TEArch)’.


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The project of the Roseto Valfortore Wind Farm (Foggia), designed by Daniela Moderini, Giovanni Selano, and Laura Zampieri (credit: L. Zampieri, 2004-2014). AGATHÓN 15 | 2024





How to Cite

Peghin, G. (2024) “Towards a cultural transition of energy landscapes – Between responsibility and necessity”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 18–29. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1512024.

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