nearly Zero Energy Modules – Low-impact modular housing models for the city of the future
nZEM, platform frame building system, smart windows, prefabrication, industry 4.0Abstract
This paper presents some of the outcomes of the nZEM (nearly Zero Energy Module) research, aimed at promoting the development and prototyping of modular and flexible building elements in platform frames characterised by the integration of innovative building envelope and system solutions. These modules are designed to address various functional and technical-regulatory needs, including energy savings, energy efficiency, indoor comfort, accessibility, and structural safety while adhering to environmental compatibility. The project, funded by the Tuscany region under the calls for POR CREO 2020-2024, was developed by a consortium comprising research institutions and companies. They collaborated synergistically to promote process optimisation related to the concept of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy theme by adopting open innovation processes.
Article info
Received: 08/09/2023; Revised: 23/10/2023; Accepted: 05/11/2023
Article Metrics Graph
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