Simulation and modelling for climate adaptation and mitigation. Experiences of environmental renovation in Rome


  • Fabrizio Tucci Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Valeria Cecafosso ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Paola Altamura ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
  • Marco Giampaoletti ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)



simulation and modelling, climate change, decarbonization, energy retrofit, bioclimatic design


This paper defines an original methodological and applicative approach in support of the experimental/planning phase in the area of the regeneration of urban districts, in order to offer responses to the challenges of adapting to and mitigating climate change. Applied in two case studies in Rome, the methodology incorporates and verifies strategies and passive bioclimatic solutions through activities of ex-ante/ex-post modelling/simulation, constructing multicriteria and multiscalar planning models based on fluid dynamics, and measuring their effectiveness through the quantification of the reduction of CO2 emissions. The expected results are improved environmental comfort in outdoor, in-between, and indoor spaces, lower energy demand and CO2 emissions mitigation, through a set of actions and solutions that are comparable, replicable, and measurable in terms of energy-climate performance and environmental well-being.


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Author Biographies

Fabrizio Tucci, Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Full Professor of Technology of Architecture at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy), where he is the Director of the PDTA Department. He is also the Coordinator of the ‘Stati Generali della Green Economy’ in Architecture, and the International Expert Group of the Green City Network.

Valeria Cecafosso, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the PDTA Department. She carries out research activities in the field of technological, bioclimatic, energy, environmental aspects and simulation and modeling.

Paola Altamura, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the PDTA Department. She carries out research on the ecological effectiveness and circularity of interventions on the built environment.

Marco Giampaoletti, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

Architect and PhD, he is a Research Fellow at the PDTA Department.


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Post operam fluid dynamics simulations of the Casal Monastero ‘Piano di Zona’, Rome (credit: the Authors, 2022). AGATHÓN 12 | 2022




How to Cite

Tucci, F., Cecafosso, V., Altamura, P. and Giampaoletti, M. (2022) “Simulation and modelling for climate adaptation and mitigation. Experiences of environmental renovation in Rome”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 106–121. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/12102022.

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