New technologies for future living. A proposal for 2100s Milan


  • Paola Marrone ‘Roma Tre’ University
  • Claudio Piferi University of Florence
  • Antonello Monsù Scolaro University of Sassari
  • Elisa Belardi University of Florence
  • Manuela Demurtas University of Sassari
  • Maria Grazia Giardinelli University of Florence
  • Federico Orsini ‘Roma Tre’ University
  • Valentina Santi
  • Andrea Sichi University of Florence



climate change, flexible housing solutions, key enabling technologies, dynamic infrastructure, Milan 2100


Evolutionary dynamics and the current environmental, social and economic emergencies envisage new urban visions requiring designers to shift the reference time’s horizon towards long-period scenarios. The contribution refers to this context with the aim to investigate future inhabiting presenting the results of a design experience of urban regeneration led in Milan for RELIVE 2019 competition. The project draws inspiration from last century’s utopian cities visions and is developed based on an Amplified Requirements Framework projected towards long-term scenarios. The design proposal integrates traditional tools and technologies with the new possibilities offered by Key Enabling Technologies prefiguring a replicable model for a resilient, inclusive and low-environmental impact city.


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Author Biographies

Paola Marrone, ‘Roma Tre’ University

Architect and PhD, she is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture. She currently carries out research in the field of technologies for building retrofit and environmental sustainability.

Claudio Piferi, University of Florence

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and at the Euro-Mediterranean School of Architecture, Design and Town Planning of Fez (Morocco). He carries out teaching and research in the field of architectural technologies, both in design and methodological/procedural matrix.

Antonello Monsù Scolaro, University of Sassari

Architect and PhD, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning. His research field concerns architectural technology with a particular interest in the refurbishment of the built environment throughout recovery and reuse of building components and low environmental impact building materials.

Elisa Belardi, University of Florence

Architect, she is a PhD Candidate at Department of Architecture. She carries out research activities about architectural technologies and building product-process digitalization for Industry 4.0.

Manuela Demurtas, University of Sassari

Architect, she is a PhD Candidate in Architecture and Environment at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning. She studies the depopulation phenomena and related methodologies and strategies intervention in low-density territories.

Maria Grazia Giardinelli, University of Florence

Architect, she is a PhD in Architecture and Research Technologist for international projects. She researches in the ERC field of Physical Sciences and Engineering, with a specific focus on smart cities, sustainable architecture and energy systems.

Federico Orsini, ‘Roma Tre’ University

Architect and PhD, he is a Research Fellow the Department of Architecture. She carries out research activities about architectural technologies, with particular attention to technologies for open spaces and environmental sustainability.

Valentina Santi

Architect and PhD, she carries out teaching and consultancy activities in the field of design dedicated to fragile users.

Andrea Sichi, University of Florence

Architect, he is a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture. He researches in the field of architectural technologies, with specific reference to technologies for social and health construction.


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The scenario assumed in 2100 (credit: A. Sichi, 2020). AGATHÓN 08 | 2020




How to Cite

Marrone, P., Piferi, C., Monsù Scolaro, A., Belardi, E., Demurtas, M., Giardinelli, M. G., Orsini, F., Santi, V. and Sichi, A. (2020) “New technologies for future living. A proposal for 2100s Milan”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 188–199. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/8182020.

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