Education and memory. Pedagogy of remembrance and communication design


  • Daniela Anna Calabi Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Beatrice Borghi Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • Clorinda Sissi Galasso Politecnico di Milano (Italy)



identity, memory of places, communication design, atmosphere, education


Memory is rooted into places, and it can be an elective design tool to communicate the evolution of landscapes and to teach the value of memory. The Institute of Higher Education G. Galilei-R. Luxemburg in Milan interpreted the MIUR call for applications ‘Cinema per la scuola – I progetti delle e per le scuole’, proposing memory topics and creating a documentary about the Institute Marchiondi ‘for problematic children’. Communication Design reveals, with educational effectiveness, what lies behind the obsolescent atmosphere of the brutalist ruins of architecture and starts what can be called a ‘pedagogy of remembrance’. The research results in the analysis of the connections between virtual, physical and digital forms of memory, in an interpretative framework that opens to an educational context.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Anna Calabi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Associate Professor at the Design Department, she carries out research in Communication Design field, particularly focusing on the design of perception, atmosphere and identity of territories.

Beatrice Borghi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Communication Designer at the Design Department, she carries out research on memory in relation to the territory, tracing flows and links that allow visualising the connections between archives and places through maps.

Clorinda Sissi Galasso, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

PhD Candidate at the Design Department, she carries out research activities mainly in the field of memory representation and enhancement of documents kept in historical archives and in particular the study of communication models based on maps for the memory of places.


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Teaching activity with interactive whiteboard (jamboard): ‘Un’immagine per descrivere il Marchiondi’ (credit: authors, 2021). AGATHÓN 10 | 2021




How to Cite

Calabi, D. A., Borghi, B. and Galasso, C. S. (2021) “Education and memory. Pedagogy of remembrance and communication design”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 10(online), pp. 262–271. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/10242021.



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