Empty art: action and reaction in urban design


  • Giovanni Matteo Cudin University of Venice
  • Francesco Tosetto University of Venice




art, history, emptiness


The increase in urban voids, dictated by the change in production processes, causes the redesign of abandoned non-unit spaces to become a key theme in contemporary planning. The relationship between city and art becomes a component of the design of a constantly changing place, the result of the synergy between the incessant creative process of contemporary art and mass production.


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Author Biographies

Giovanni Matteo Cudin, University of Venice

Urban planner and interior Designer; since 2014 he is Teaching Assistant and Researcher at the Department of Project Cultures under the supervision of Prof. Sara Marini.
E-mail: matteo.cudin@gmail.com

Francesco Tosetto, University of Venice

Architect and Teaching Assistant of Prof. Sara Marini at the Department of Culture of the Project. In 2007 he worked at the  Prof. Salvador Perez Arroyo studio in Madrid; in 2008 he collaborated with Prof. Carlos Campos as a Lecturer at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires; in 2011 he collaborated with Benedetta Tagliabue at the EMBT studio in Barcelona; today he works at ASA Studio Albanese.
E-mail: francescotosetto@gmail.com


Campos, C. (2011), La Performance Arquitectonica (nuevas experiencias en la signigicacion del Espacio Urbano), Bisman Ediciones, Buenos Aires.

Cattelan, M. and Grenier, C. (2011), Un salto nel vuoto. La mia vita fuori dalle cornici, Rizzoli, Milano.

Conforti, C. and Dal Co, F. (2007), Renzo Piano. Gli schizzi, Electa, Milano.

Dal Co, F. (2014), Renzo Piano. Catalogo della mostra, Electa, Milano.

Duranti, M. (2011), Alberto Burri Form and Matter, Effe.

Spector, N. (2016), Maurizio Cattelan: All, Guggenheim Museum Pubns, New York.




How to Cite

Cudin, G. M. and Tosetto, F. (2017) “Empty art: action and reaction in urban design”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 1(online), pp. 47–52. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/182017.



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