Structuring connections for landscape care. The case of Casilino Ecomuseum in Rome
environmental design, participatory design, sustainable development, empowerment, landscapeAbstract
The ongoing environmental and social crises, amplified by the pandemic, highlight the urgent need for of new development models, based on sustainability, participation and subsidiarity. In this context, cultural institutions play a fundamental role, facilitating the construction of social capital. The case of ecomuseums is emblematic, because they offer methods, tools and practices for the recognition of local identities, co-design, care and management of the landscape and its economic value as well. The contribution supplies the framework of these ecomuseum tools, with a focus on the Casilino Ad Duas Lauros Ecomuseum in Rome, at the forefront in the realisation of physical connections to make its District a green infrastructure, virtual connections to create narrations and links of meaning and digital connections to promote social inclusion and participation.
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