Internationalisation projects in the Maghreb conducted by the Dida Area Design


  • Saverio Mecca University of Firenze
  • Giuseppe Lotti University of Firenze
  • Debora Giorgi University of Firenze
  • Eleonora Trivellin University of Firenze



internationalisation, design, territory, sustainable development, inter-disciplinary


The complexity of the contemporary world requires an in-depth rethinking of the role of design and designers. Its very multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary nature, its attempt to interpret the complexity and challenges of contemporary life, requires dealing with ethical issues and continually elaborating new tools which enable the strength deriving from its flexibility and ability to take cross fertilisations on board to be exploited to the full. The Mediterranean can, in particular, be an extremely interesting scenario for experimenting with new educational trajectories which can contribute to reconnecting and recreating that inter-personal and exchange nature which has always been its key characteristic, by means of cultural diversity promotion.


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Author Biographies

Saverio Mecca, University of Firenze

Full Professor, he is Director of the Department of Architecture. He is President of the CUIA (Italian University of Architecture Conference) and Director of the research unit INN-LINK-S on innovation and local and native knowledge systems.

Giuseppe Lotti, University of Firenze

Full Professor at the Department of Architecture. He is the author of over fifty publications and curator of several series on Design, deals with sustainable design in all its forms. He is Scientific Coordinator of national and international projects.

Debora Giorgi, University of Firenze

Researcher at the Department of Architecture. Her research is centred on Design for Heritage and territorial systems with a particular focus on issues related to cultural and social sustainability in the Mediterranean.

Eleonora Trivellin, University of Firenze

PhD, she is Lecturer in Design at the Department of Architecture. Her research focuses on the relationship between design and crafts, with special attention to the textile sector and interior design for yachting and in general for moving spaces.


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Celaschi, F. (2011), Il portato del soggetto nel design. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 July 2016].

Celaschi, F. and Formia, E. (2012), “Education for design processes: the influence of latin cultures and contemporary problems in production systems”, in Formia, E. (ed.), Innovation in Design Education, Allemandi, Torino.

Celaschi, F., Formia, E. and Lupo, E. (2012), “From trans-disciplinaritity to undisciplined design learning: innovating through/to disruption”, in Formia, E. (ed.), Innovation in Design Education, Allemandi, Torino, 2012.

Longo, G. O. (2014), “Le Culture: una, due o centomila?”, in Multiverso, n. 13, Due. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 May 2017].

Lotti, G. (2016), Interdisciplinary Design, DIDAPRESS. Firenze.

Lotti, G. (2015), Design interculturale – Progetti dal Mare di Mezzo, DIDAPRESS, Firenze.

Lotti, G., Giorgi, D. and Marseglia, M. (2017), Prove di design altro – Cinque anni di progetti per la sostenibilità, DIDA, Firenze.

Manzini, E. (2015), Design, When Everybody Designs – An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation, Boston, MIT Press.

Sennet, R. (2009), L’uomo artigiano, Feltrinelli Editore, Milano.

Craft woman at the loom (Kasserine, Tunisia)




How to Cite

Mecca, S., Lotti, G., Giorgi, D. and Trivellin, E. (2018) “Internationalisation projects in the Maghreb conducted by the Dida Area Design”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 3(online), pp. 205–212. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/3272018.



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