Design strategies for urban and building adaptation in environmental multi-risk scenarios


  • Mario Losasso ‘Federico II’ University of Naples
  • Sara Verde ‘Federico II’ University of Naples



environmental impacts, liveable space, multi-adaptation strategies, environmental design


The recent pandemic crisis has highlighted the widespread condition of ‘polycrysis’ in which the impacts of climate change, air pollution, and health risks coincide. This leads to a vulnerability of urban systems that threaten lifestyles, economies, and the survival of individuals. To coexist with such scenarios that will characterize the near future, multiple environmental adaptation actions are necessary to counteract impacts and damage to the urban and building scale. The contribution proposes an analysis of the evolution of possible scenarios and strategies for environmental adaptation as a response to impacts. It prefigures project actions aimed at reducing the damage resulting from the current condition of overlapping risks, identifying in the crisis new opportunities for an ecological transition of urban districts as a long-term goal for sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Mario Losasso, ‘Federico II’ University of Naples

Architect, he is a Full Professor of Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture. His research activity is conducted in the field of environmental design and technological innovation in relation to urban design and architectural quality, with particular reference to design strategies and actions for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Sara Verde, ‘Federico II’ University of Naples

PhD Candidate in Architecture – Sustainable Technologies, Recovery and Representation of Architecture and Environment, she carries out her research activity in the field of environmental design with particular reference to design strategies and actions for climate adaptation.


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How to Cite

Losasso, M. and Verde, S. (2020) “Design strategies for urban and building adaptation in environmental multi-risk scenarios”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 64–73. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/862020.

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