Optimising usability in museums – Integrated management of data on the use of space and cultural content
usability, museums, space syntax analysis, user behaviour, BIM and IoTAbstract
In the context of digitalising cultural heritage, museums are evolving from being mere keepers of culture to becoming promoters of knowledge and social participation. This paper explores the museum as a dynamic and inclusive service, advocating for a predictive approach to usability and introducing an integrated methodology that combines qualitative spatial configuration analysis with quantitative data collected via IoT sensors to enhance the museum experience. A digital tool developed in a BIM environment was applied to the Museum of Rome – Palazzo Braschi case study, which integrates and visualises spatial and behavioural data. The results highlight how predictive approaches and advanced technologies improve the management of usability and participation. This methodology can assist museum managers in monitoring spaces, visitor flows, and accessibility regulations.
Article info
Received: 14/09/2024; Revised: 15/10/2024; Accepted: 17/10/2024
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