Technology, energy, and time – Experimental paths for the design of appropriate technology


  • Annapaola Vacanti ‘Iuav’ University of Venezia (Italy)
  • Carmelo Leonardi ‘Iuav’ University of Venezia (Italy)



energy consumption, appropriate technology, low-tech, permaculture, solarpunk


Exploring the intertwining of technology, energy, and time from the Industrial Revolution to the current climate crisis, the paper investigates how the relentless pursuit of efficiency and productivity has shaped Western societies, increasing energy overconsumption and exacerbating environmental emergencies. Analysing experimental paths related to the concept of appropriate technology, such as Permaculture, Low-tech and Solarpunk, a critical view of the contemporary unsustainable development model is presented, proposing alternative paradigms that foster sustainability, equity and reconnection with natural cycles. The multidisciplinary design approach emerges as instrumental in the transition to sustainable energy practices, laying the foundation for the transition to future scenarios in which technology and nature coexist harmoniously.


Article info

Received: 18/03/2024; Revised: 19/04/2024; Accepted: 25/04/2024


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Author Biographies

Annapaola Vacanti, ‘Iuav’ University of Venezia (Italy)

PhD and Researcher , she works on human-technology interaction, exploring the intersection between human factors, technological development and the latter’s social and ecological impact. Parallel to her academic career, since 2018, she has organised TEDxGenova, an autonomous event operating under an official TED license for the local dissemination of valuable ideas.

Carmelo Leonardi, ‘Iuav’ University of Venezia (Italy)

He is a Product Designer and PhD Candidate in Design Sciences. In the context of the PhD Programme, he conducts research on the energy transition, simultaneously exploring new design paradigms and the concepts of social and environmental sustainability in the design.


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Vision (AI generated) of a hypothetical future Solarpunk (source: WikiMedia Commons, 2023). AGATHÓN 15 | 2024




How to Cite

Vacanti, A. and Leonardi, C. (2024) “Technology, energy, and time – Experimental paths for the design of appropriate technology”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 15, pp. 316–323. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/15262024.