Heritages in progress. Designing their regeneration


  • Françoise Blanc Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture (ENSA) in Toulouse




heritage, regeneration, project, interdisciplinary, inter-scale


To design with Heritage for the future within the complexity of its scales and its contemporary stakes opens an innovating field. The idea of ‘regeneration’ becomes a drive for project at all scales. The examination of this notion allows the introduction to the discourse, which is developed afterwards with the exposure of two meaningful experiments: they propose the current and future regeneration of Heritage within its large space context and open a new conceptual frame for the project. The case of Mont Saint Michel in France, a realized pilot project and the internationally collaborated academic works on the water supplies Heritage and the metropolitan sprawl in the territory of Jaipur-Amber, Rajasthan, illustrate the contribution to a founding reflection on the becoming of Heritages, seen as a renewable resource and innovative carrier.


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Author Biography

Françoise Blanc, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture (ENSA) in Toulouse

Architect DPLG and PhD History of Art, she is a Teacher Researcher at the ENSA in Toulouse. She is the Director of the Master of Heritage in Progress (India, Italy, Cambodia) and Post-master of Urban Design, Heritage, Sustainable Development (Hanoï, Vietnam), and a Member of Commission Locale du Site Patrimonial Remarquable de la Ville de Toulouse.
E-mail: fblanc3@gmail.com


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General views of the development project, simulations: the Bridge and the access to the Mont Saint Michel (source: www.projetmontsaintmichel.com). AGATHÓN 08 | 2020




How to Cite

Blanc, F. (2020) “Heritages in progress. Designing their regeneration”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 8(online), pp. 54–63. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/852020.