Analogue-digital dialectics in architectural design. Towards renewed hypotheses of method


  • Giuseppe Canestrino University of Calabria (Italy)



analogue, digital, continuous, discrete, architecture project


The dichotomy between analogue and digital influences the methods of design, production, construction, as well as the formal horizons of architecture. This dichotomy is apparently only related to the contemporary situation in which architecture is thought, built, and managed in increasingly computerised ways, and is consequently distanced from its more concrete aspects. However, a deep understanding of the meanings of analogue and digital reveals a dialectical relationship that can be looked to in order to renew aspects of the method of architectural design.


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Author Biography

Giuseppe Canestrino, University of Calabria (Italy)

Building Engineer-Architect, he is a PhD Candidate in Architectural and Urban Design at the University of Calabria (Italy) with which he has already collaborated in funded and published research projects on sustainable architecture. He carries out research and teaching activities in the borderland between architectural design and ‘digital culture’ with both a practical and a critical-theoretical approach.


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How to Cite

Canestrino, G. (2021) “Analogue-digital dialectics in architectural design. Towards renewed hypotheses of method”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 10(online), pp. 56–67. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/1052021.



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