International Journal
of Architecture, Art and Design
ISSN (online) 2532-683X
ISSN (print) 2464-9309
Information For Authors
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If you are interested in submitting your contribution to AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, before writing your paper, we recommend you to read with attention the About the Journal page for the Journal's Editorial Policies and in particular
Section Policies
Double-Blind Peer Review Process
Ethical Code
Copyright Notice
Author Self-Archiving Policy
Privacy Statement
To submit a new contribution to AGATHÓN:
1. Download and follow the Editorial Guidelines for Authors
2. Read the Mod_Review Form used by Referees to evaluate your contribution
3. Download and use exclusively the Abstract Format_ENG and the Paper Format ENG
4. Sent your contribution in .docx (word) file directly to; imagine files must be sent to the same address but via
Contributions with layouts, Editorial Guidelines for Authors and transmission methods different from those requested or delayed will not be accepted.
Since AGATHÓN publishes the papers in two languages (Italian and English), the Board of the Journal requires the Authors to attach to the translation a Self-Declaration made by a native English-speaking translator or a Professional Translator – member of an Association of Translators and Interpreters (such as AITI, ANITI, TradInfo, etc.) – certifying the authorship of the translation and/or the quality and grammar and syntactic accuracy of the translation. Failure to provide the translator’s self-declaration, with an attached identity document and badge issued by the Association with a valid photo, will result in an exclusion from the publication. If the Author does not find a translator fulfilling the aforementioned requirements, they may request the translation service to the Editorial Staff that will transfer the request to qualified affiliated professionals.
Download the Self-Declaration Form | ITALIAN | ENGLISH
Article Processing Charges (APC)
In order to cover the costs of running the Journal, AGATHÓN has decided to avail itself of a contribution from the Authors of the individual articles; they are therefore invited to contribute financially towards the editorial services (APC – Article Processing Charge), only if the paper is accepted for publication, after the peer-review process and any potential revision of the manuscript. The APC amounts to € 450.00; in the case of papers signed by several Authors, the APC will be increased by € 50.00 for each Author in addition to the first. The APC must be paid according to the instructions that will be sent to the Authors in the e-mail of the acceptance of the article for publication.
To encourage the publication of contributions by Authors with a primary affiliation in countries defined by the World Bank as "low-income economies", AGATHÓN will select a maximum of two authors to publish their contribution for free, subject to the positive outcome of the double-blind peer-review process.
Your paper will be evaluated by the Referees in relation to 'Originality’, 'Relevance of the Investigated Topic for the Advancement of Knowledge', 'Knowledge and Ability to Use Literature', 'Methodological Rigor and Clarity of Content', and 'Impact', according to the evaluation form (Mod_Review Form) which will be sent to them.
Correct references must be made both in the text and in the bibliography/list of references. The citation style is reported in Editorial Guidelines for Authors.
AGATHÓN will publish the contributions written according to international quality standards and which are able to provide adequate answers to the questions that you will find in the evaluation form above.
Reading the contribution, the following questions must be answered.
- Does the paper introduce a new way of critical thinking/interpreting the investigated topic?
- Does the Author explain how knowledge about the investigated topic evolves/expands/innovates?
- Are the previous approaches and research about the investigated topic quoted?
- Is the state of the art updated at the time of writing?
- Does the contribution show a critical understanding of the (especially International) literature/state of art, practices, and theories treated?
- Has the paper a clear structure (introduction, state of the art, body, conclusions)?
- Are the cultural context of reference and the aims of the paper in the introduction?
- Are the aims clearly described?
- Are the limitations of the paper acknowledged and discussed?
- Does the paper consider the main areas of research/knowledge relevant to the conclusions?
- Do the conclusions show a real understanding of the investigated topic?
- Are the conclusions strong and justified?
- Do they logically follow the data presented?
- Are the future developments presented?
- Are the cultural, practical and/or socio-economic implications presented?
- Are terminological and lexical expressions clear?
- Is the narrative argumentation detailed, appropriate, and concise?
- Is the investigated topic current and/or interesting to the International Scientific Community?
- Can the essay/research findings be applicable to other contexts?
- Does the contribution provide ideas to inspire reflections/debate/research in the International Scientific Community on a theoretical or applicative level?
and for the specific type of Research & Experimentation also:
- Are the methodology and the operational phases explained to allow other experts in the field to repeat the study?
- Are the evidences and findings reliable?
- Are the findings clearly and concisely reported?
- Are the analysis and interpretation of the results appropriate?
- Does the paper declare the parties involved and the funds used?
For the Research & Experimentation Articles, the Editorial Board recommends reading to the Authors
– Socolofsky, S. A. (2004), How to write a Research Journal Article in Engineering and Science. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2018].
For the Review Articles, the Editorial Board recommends to the Authors to use the suggestions reported in
– Palmatier, R. W., Houston, M. B. and Hulland, J. (2018), "Review Articles: purpose, process, and structure", in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 46, pp. 1-5. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2018].
– Mayer, P. (2009), Guidelines for writing a Review Article, Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center. (Available at