Automation of urban technological census. The historical centre of Bethlehem


  • Elisabetta Doria University of Pavia (Italy)



photogrammetry, Bethlehem, urban monitoring, object recognition, architectural census


The research proposal reports the outcomes of a research track concerning the automation of the architectural census of technological elements in urban environments, aiming at the development of a monitoring and management system for the built heritage. The proposal is focused on a set of specific elements (water tanks) stacked on the coverings of the historical centre of Bethlehem and leverages close-range photogrammetric acquisitions to train Deep Learning models. The model lifecycle management, from training to prediction and deployment, as well as the storage of both image data and metadata, is performed through the scalability of a Cloud enterprise architecture. Periodical scheduled monitoring enables comparisons across different periods, allowing the detection of modifications, removals, and additions, therefore identifying the insurgence of potential criticalities. The goal of the project is the definition of a protocol to automate the identification of recurrent elements and monitor their evolution through time.


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Author Biography

Elisabetta Doria, University of Pavia (Italy)

Architect/Engineer and PhD Candidate at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Her research activity concerns operational protocols for the preservation of buildings in historic, monumental and UNESCO sites for the enhancement of architectural and landscape heritage through the management of digital databases.


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Example of buildings with flat roofs, with visible cisterns and accumulations of objects: in the image, highlighted in red, elevated cisterns and photovoltaic panels placed on the edge of a historic building; on the right, the three-dimensional schematic of the cisterns analyzed (credit: E. Doria, 2022). AGATHÓN 12 | 2022




How to Cite

Doria, E. (2022) “Automation of urban technological census. The historical centre of Bethlehem”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 12(online), pp. 178–189. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/12162022.
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