Environmental design multisensory experience. Integrated space for simulation activities


  • Stefania Palmieri Polytechnic of Milano
  • Mario Bisson Polytechnic of Milano
  • Alessandro Ianniello Polytechnic of Milano




environment, design, multisensory, experience, multidisciplinarity


The EDME Laboratory, established within the Polytechnic of Milano, is the first result of a path of multidisciplinary integration, which synthesizes multiscalar relationships, outlining the identity of an instrument of investigation, interpretation and representation of experiential scenarios. The generated model integrates with a physical space innovative ICT technology and materials of the latest generation, to carry out research involving simulations of complex activities and interactions, and predictions on the perceptual and digital control aspects of the environments where such activities are carried out. This contribution, through two research projects, will highlight how qualified research can lead to the creation of methodologies and the implementation of innovative applications; the achievable results meet the needs for systems able to detect and simulate perceptual aspects and for systems of environmental interaction.


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Author Biographies

Stefania Palmieri, Polytechnic of Milano

PhD, she is a Professor and Researcher in Industrial Design. She is in charge of Relations with Companies and Professions for the School of Integrated Product Design. Her activity aims at establishing collaborations with the production world and is aimed at creating synergies between University and Business.
E-mail: stefania.palmieri@polimi.it

Mario Bisson, Polytechnic of Milano

Architect, he is an Associate Professor at the Design Department. He is the Scientific Director of the Interdepartmental EDME Laboratory and Colour Laboratory of the Polytechnic, the Scientific Director of MDA and a Member of the Board of Directors of PoliDesign scrl.
E-mail: mario.bisson@polimi.it

Alessandro Ianniello, Polytechnic of Milano

Designer of the Product for Innovation, is a Tutor at the Design Department.
E-mail: alessandro.ianniello@polimi.it


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How to Cite

Palmieri, S., Bisson, M. and Ianniello, A. (2020) “Environmental design multisensory experience. Integrated space for simulation activities”, AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, 7(online), pp. 202–209. doi: 10.19229/2464-9309/7212020.



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